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DataSave™ Backup Software

 Hard Drive

DataSave™ Backup Software is the most User-Friendly" Backup on the Market.


No need to install any backup program, DataSave™ runs on an external or network drive. Backup data on your Servers, Desktops and Laptops with a simply click of your mouse.

Why did we do this?  Because most people don't backup their data until they have lost everything.  So we created the world's easiest backup utility. Just plug in your external drive, or connect to your network drive, start the backup and in a few minutes you have a complete copy of all data. This isn't a .bak file, it's a complete copy, so you can use it to move data as well.

Yes, you can backup to the "Cloud". But do you know where your data goes and who has access to it? And, when your system crashes, do you know how long it takes to download all your data over the Internet? With DataSave™, your data is in your hands. And you can restore simply by copying and pasting or by plugging the drive into another PC and all your data is there.

mail us today at for a free consultation.

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